About Andrea Hall


Artist. Designer. Swimmer

I spent most of my spare time during childhood either drawing or swimming. I loved art at school, and on the way home I would stop off at the local pool where my Mum would be working – she, and my Grandmother before her were swimming instructors who taught all the school kids to swim. I often joke I was born with chlorine in my veins.

However, I didn’t follow the family swimming tradition. I went to art college instead and turned five years of study into a career as a graphic designer. I became freelance in 1999.

In 2012, the London Olympics inspired me to take up swimming again. I watched the ladies marathon 10k swim in the Serpentine lake in London and said to my partner: “I could’ve done that when I was younger”. And so it began… an infectious draw to the water, to open water swimming, and finally to joining the dots and being compelled to focus my creativity on capturing and sharing the joys of my swimming adventures through my artwork.

From there I have been involved in triathlon and I'm also learning to ski and ice skate too, which I love to draw.

Art student  

My art student final major show profile pic in 1989 – the name's Hall, Andrea Hall


I was always swimming as a child 

Winning my age group in triathlon in 2017

The draw to the cold water is compelling